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Feb 22
1:00 pm - 1:45 pm
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New Zealand Tech and Innovation Story Launch



New Zealand brings a unique perspective to how we think about and use technology. It’s a perspective that the world needs now, more than ever to help create technology that will build a better tomorrow.

Our Tech Story is designed to help build New Zealand’s international reputation and support more tech businesses to succeed on the world stage. It also helps share what we stand for as a country and our values when it comes to creating tech.

We can’t wait to share New Zealand’s Tech and Innovation Story!  Please join NZTech and our special guests as we introduce our inspiring Tech Story to New Zealand businesses.

Join us to:

  • Learn why the Tech Story is important and how businesses can use it.
  • Showcase the Tech Story brand and identity.
  • Gain first access to the FREE sales and marketing toolkit, plus resources to help you share your story with the world.
  • Gain insights from international perceptions of New Zealand.
  • Unveil the Tech Story’s brand new website.
  • Learn about our national activation plans and how you can get involved.


The Tech Story is a sales and marketing initiative, created in collaboration with industry and government. It delivers a compelling, consistent way of promoting our tech capabilities to the world. Its aim is to help our tech businesses grow by attracting investment, talent and global sales.

The New Zealand Tech and Innovation Story (Tech Story) has been developed in collaboration with industry and government agencies, as a workstream of the Digital Technologies Industry Transformation Plan (Digital Technologies ITP). Our vision is that the Tech Story will have a lasting, positive impact for our tech businesses and New Zealand.

P.S If you’re not already a member of our Tech Story Inform Group on LinkedIn please join here.