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Nov 11
12:00 am - 11:59 pm


Royal NZ Yacht Squadron
181 Westhaven Drive
Auckland, 1011

NZSA – Escape Velocity

The New Zealand Software Association is thrilled to bring this one day workshop from the Chasm Institute to Auckland. This is a rare opportunity to participate in a world class workshop that has helped businesses achieve escape velocity, by freeing their future from the pull of their past.


This one day workshop is an opportunity to apply the knowledge of two highly successful books by Geoffrey Moore: ESCAPE VELOCITY: Free Your Company’s Future from the Pull of the Past and ZONE TO WIN: Organizing to Win in an Age of Disruption. ESCAPE VELOCITY is a landmark guide that has served as a framework for avoiding the mistakes made by one-time market leaders including Kodak, GE, Digital Equipment, Motorola, and Nokia. ZONE TO WIN serves as the companion playbook for organizing and managing established enterprises of any size in a time of category disruption, building on lessons learned from engagements with both Salesforce and Microsoft.

The Chasm Institute was formed by Geoffrey Moore and Mark Cavender. Its goal is to empower companies with the Chasm’s powerful theories and disciplines of marketing disruptive innovations. This provides a comprehensive framework from which to develop coherent and effective strategies.

Read Escape Velocity to learn how to create a company as powerful as Apple.”—Guy Kawasaki,former chief evangelist of Apple
For any company, regardless of size or industry, Zone to Win is the playbook for succeeding in today’s disruptive, connected, fast-paced business world.”―Marc Benioff, CEO, Salesforce
Zone to Win is a valuable playbook for prioritizing and allocating resources with the aim of exceptionally high growth.”―Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft

Program Objective

This workshop is an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills required to create and execute a strategy to manage a portfolio of products, across many different phases of the Technology Adoption Life Cycle.

Who Should Attend

  • Executive management of high-tech firms
  • Product / marketing managers and their teams
  • Sales managers and their teams
  • Engineering managers and their teams


A detailed description of the topics covered is available here.
The day’s workshop sessions will focus on two main themes:

  • The Hierarchy of Powers: how to use it as a framework for executive-level decision making
  • Zone Management: how to compete at full strength when engaging with disruptive innovations

Practical Application: What you Walk Away With

  • Key products placed in the Technology Adoption Life Cycle
  • Key decision areas that need to be address within the Hierarchy of Powers
  • Key strategic organizational decisions for achieving Escape Velocity

For optimal value, please consider registering at least two attendees from your organisation for this workshop.