Visit Tech Alliance
If you are interested in finding out more about the Smart Hamilton initiative, what the future of smart cities could look like, and hearing about developments in the Smart Cities space from Australia, New Zealand and around the world then join us for lunch as part of Techweek19 Waikato.
Adam Beck
Adam, Executive Director at Smart Cities Council Australia NZ, has spent more than 20 years influencing infrastructure and urban regeneration projects across the world. Here about his work in build movements and marketplaces for sustainable cities.
Chelsey Stewart
Chelsey, Smart Hamilton Programme Manager at Hamilton City Council, will provide an update on the initiative including plans for a Smart Space in Garden Place to share insights around what the Council has been working on and as an opportunity to engage the wider community in co-creating the Smart Hamilton vision.
John Heard
John, Chief Technology Officer at Smart Parking, will no doubt dazzle us with stories of the possibilities of emerging technologies and also talk us through some of what we can expect from the pioneer of technology innovation in the parking industry.