Visit Tech Alliance
This year promises to be better than last year with a theme that is highly relevant to all organisations: Security – The Human Element.
It presents a strong message that IT security extends beyond just the IT team. Every user plays an important role in helping to protect your organisation’s data and reputation.
We invite you to join us for this free event and hear from industry leaders on what you can do to empower your staff to help protect you from the front-line.
If you are in an IT role with a focus on cyber security (and in particular also senior roles), then this event is for you!
Each full-day event will include morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea.
The event will consist of a mix of presentations and panel discussions by leading international experts. You will also have the opportunity to interact directly with our speakers and sponsors to discuss any issues that relate to your specific environment.
We are in the process of updating our programme for our events. Here are some of the topics we will cover. Click here to read more about the speakers and topics.