Visit Tech Alliance
Join David Downs in Tauranga, who is the ITP’s All of Government taskforce lead, who will facilitate the workshops with AgriTechNZ’s Kenneth Irons (Chair) and Brendan O’Connell (Interim CEO).
Join David Downs in Nelson, who is the ITP’s All of Government taskforce lead, who will facilitate the workshops with AgriTechNZ’s Kenneth Irons (Chair) and Brendan O’Connell (Interim CEO).
MobileTECH Ag is the only event of its type to bring together the technology leaders from right across the agricultural, horticultural and forestry sectors under one platform
MobileTECH Ag is the only event of its type to bring together the technology leaders from right across the agricultural, horticultural and forestry sectors under one platform
Join David Downs in Tauranga, who is the ITP’s All of Government taskforce lead, who will facilitate the workshops with AgriTechNZ’s Kenneth Irons (Chair) and Brendan O’Connell (Interim CEO).
Join David Downs in Nelson, who is the ITP’s All of Government taskforce lead, who will facilitate the workshops with AgriTechNZ’s Kenneth Irons (Chair) and Brendan O’Connell (Interim CEO).
MobileTECH Ag is the only event of its type to bring together the technology leaders from right across the agricultural, horticultural and forestry sectors under one platform
MobileTECH Ag is the only event of its type to bring together the technology leaders from right across the agricultural, horticultural and forestry sectors under one platform