The AI Debates: Education

Victoria University of Wellington 33 Bunny Street, Pipitea, Wellington, New Zealand

Victoria University of Wellington presents one of three debates about the upcoming challenges of artificial intelligence.

Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Technology – The Meetup

Dux Central 6 Poplar Street, Christchurch, New Zealand

Come and join us for Christchurch's monthly blockchain and cryptocurrency community meet up! The topic of cryptocurrency is rapidly becoming mainstream. So, in light of this, we hold a series of monthly community meetups to chat about some of the biggest questions we all have about this new and often-confusing world that so many people have been talking about.We look forward to seeing you there for a bite to eat and a couple of drinks!

Automation for Business

Crowne Plaza 128 Albert Street, Auckland, New Zealand

Deploying intelligent automation to streamline processes, increase productivity and improve the bottom line Robotics and automation are dramatically reshaping the global economy. From delivering faster customer service to better quality … Continue reading "Automation for Business"

DIGI_X: Digital Decisions

EMA Business Hub Conference Centre 145 Khyber Pass Rd, Grafton, Auckland, New Zealand

As a business-first technology conference, DIGI_X will reveal exciting use-cases of innovative tech in powering growth at scale and speed.