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Brought to you by Atlassian, Kiwibots, the University of Auckland Women in Engineering Network, and Centre for Automation and Robotic Engineering Science (CARES)
Find out more »Inland Revenue has been looking at how the growth in digital systems, hear about this today by signing up.
Find out more »The case for emerging tech in combating climate change is undoubtedly a strong one. From smart city infrastructure and clean logistics, through green energy and precision agriculture – the applications of emerging tech in pursuit of a cleaner, greener future are immense. And as global leaders declare evermore ambitious and urgent emissions reductions targets, the onus on IoT, Big Data, Blockchain, Digital Twins to deliver is greater than ever.
Find out more »This is part one of a three-part 'GD1 diversity in tech series.' How can we address and alleviate underrepresented groups in Aotearoa?
Find out more »Join us at Techweek TV to hear industry leaders in our panel discussion share their experiences and insights as they navigate the data challenges businesses are facing in relation to climate reporting. To help businesses on their journey to reporting their scope 1, 2 and 3 Greenhouse Gas emissions, our panellists will: share insights into … Continue reading "TWTV: Useful data for reporting and mitigating climate change"
Find out more »Hear all about how we tackle AI responsibly and what the future looks like at Auror, a retail crime intelligence platform. As algorithm-driven artificial intelligence continues to scale, our General Counsel and Chief Privacy Officer, Frith Tweedie and Director of Data and AI, Dr Kathryn Hempstalk have partnered to share their perspectives on Responsible AI. … Continue reading "Developing Responsible AI – A real world example with Auror"
Find out more »With investment in AI set to reach $62B globally in 2022, it’s critical to understand how to successfully implement AI for your business This event does not require registration. Join this discussion to hear our experience about some of the causes of AI project failures, and how to set yourself up for a sucessful productionised … Continue reading "The $52B AI Sinkhole: 3 ways to ensure positive ROI on AI initiatives"
Find out more »ITSNZ are proud to host Lee McKenzie, Liz Maguire and Leone Murphy from Waka Kotahi discussing Hoe ki angitū, a new 15 million dollar challenge-based fund for Start-ups, Iwi, Domestic and international companies, Community groups, Research Institutions and University Groups.
Find out more »Māori and Pasifika only represent about 2% of those working in the creative tech sector. We all want this to change. Ōtara 4.0 is a series of exciting and innovative Talanoa sessions allocated over five consecutive Wednesday evenings in May and June 2022. Each guest from the creative technologies sector will share their career stories … Continue reading "Ōtara 4.0 – Māori and Pasifika Creative Tech Speaker Series"
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