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The presentation will explore fungibility as a characteristic of money and apply lessons from history and economics to understand fungibility and cryptocurrencies generally. Fungibility is an economics term that describes the ability of any good or asset to be interchanged with some other good or asset of the same type.
Find out more »Meet your local Women in Identity Ambassadors and explore some of the challenges and opportunities with our expert panel as we look at diversity and inclusion in identity.
Find out more »Learn how you can use a simple and pragmatic approach to implementing ISO 27001using Vital Advisory's proven DIY methodology and resources.
Find out more »Festival for the Future is a world class event that attracts 1,200+ delegates from across New Zealand, and increasingly the Asia–Pacific. The action-packed weekend features a diverse range of inspiring speakers, future-focused panels, hands-on workshops and a marketplace for great ideas. Join us!
Find out more »Techweek is a nationwide series of events, showcasing and celebrating New Zealand innovation. We provide a platform for everyone to meet, share ideas and create connections to enhance our future world.
Find out more »Teckweek presents FinTech talking about is now not the time to stall your marketing.
Find out more »The 2020 report features some additional analysis of trust and consent, as well as seeking to gain a greater understanding of the digital identity amongst Māori, Pacifika and Senior communities.
Find out more »Join host Dave Moskovitz in this webinar where NZ Educational Technology (EdTech) companies show off their products and services, and take questions from you, the audience.
Find out more »NZ Health IT (NZHIT) and Digital Identity NZ (DINZ) have partnered to provide members, stakeholders and policymakers the opportunity to understand the growing importance, challenges and potential associated with digital identity and New Zealand’s health, disability and social sectors.
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