Visit Tech Alliance
Explore virtual, augmented and mixed reality at our demo day!
Find out more »Hear about the vibrant innovation ecosystems in Auckland, Los Angeles and Guangzhou
Find out more »Join us for a Virtual Reality experience at Puke Ariki, and marvel as you enter impossible places and magical worlds!
Find out more »This isn’t your usual filtered view of marketing automation – we go through the proverbial “looking glass” and get our panel to take a look back on what they wouldn’t do, could they do it all over again.
Find out more »What will the Agri Food sector of tomorrow look like? Join the discussion and get a taste of the future
Find out more »Join us for the public launch of WealthTechNZ, with drinks, networking, and panel discussion
Find out more »A panel of highly respected health sector professionals will discuss the pros and cons of medical innovation.
Find out more »Better health care through data analytics/Exploring the digital future of clinical practice
Find out more »Join us to hear inspiring stories from women in tech and network with others who are passionate about helping more women into tech careers. This year the Women in Tech Breakfast series is going regional and we'll be focusing on how we can build capacity in the tech sector, especially by promoting diversity. Each … Continue reading "Women in Tech Breakfasts – Porirua, Wellington & Petone"
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