Join us online for a conversation with the leaders at some of the fastest-growing tech companies in Auckland and chat with the people helping to build them.
Join the Kiwi SaaS Community team for this free online event 2021 has been a defining year for New Zealand’s SaaS sector (despite its many challenges), and SaaS growth is forecast to rival many of our traditional export industries in 2022. Join other SaaS founders, directors, leaders and their teams to hear how COVID has … Continue reading "Kicking SaaS in 2022"
On behalf of the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School, and event co-host Tech Nation (UK), we extend an invitation to you to register for the public launch of – a new platform for our suite of digital tools that provide interactive fintech market data and visualisations … Continue reading "New CCAF digital tools platform launch live event"
On Thursday 9 December, join Tanya Wilson, Callaghan Innovation Acting Group Manager Māori Economy, for a free virtual Q&A session with Morris Pita— previous winner of Hi-Tech Kamupene Māori o te Tau — Māori Company of the Year. Hear from Bob Pinchin, CEO of Swaytech and organiser of the NZ Hi-Tech Awards, on how an awards win can boost your … Continue reading "NZ Hi-Tech Awards Kōrero: Simplifying the entry process"
This event will introduce and examine the emerging FIntech sector in NZ, with a panel of experts and industry leaders discussing emerging technologies and ideas. This will include virtual assets and tokenisation, decentralised finance or 'DeFi', central bank digital currencies, open banking and payments. This session aims to provide a snapshot of the current Fintech … Continue reading "Fintech – The state of money in New Zealand"