Visit Tech Alliance
The New Zealand Esri User Conference 2019 (SKYCITY, Auckland, 12-14 August) is the largest annual gathering of the New Zealand GIS community.
Join us at a TMG coffee meet-up.
Coffee and Christmas is the theme of the August meet-up in Auckland
The Women of Influence Speaker Series is an opportunity for people all over New Zealand, who aspire to make a significant contribution to their community, to fully realise their own potential by learning from some outstanding leaders who have done just that.
More information to come shortly.
Facebook has been making headlines again, this time through its development of a new blockchain-based financial services platform named Libra.
Improve your D&I strategy at the 2nd Annual Workforce Inclusion and Diversity conference and hear from 30+ government, business and not-for-profit leaders to drive initiatives that produce tangible results, which would ultimately improve your organisation’s
The Women of Influence Speaker Series is an opportunity for people all over New Zealand, who aspire to make a significant contribution to their community, to fully realise their own potential by learning from some outstanding leaders who have done just that.
The IoT Waikato Tech meetup is an event for innovators, thought leaders and organisations interested in developing the Internet of Things (IoT) and digital technology in the Waikato.