Visit Tech Alliance
ITx Rutherford is a spin-off of ITx, running in the year between the biannual ITx conference. ITx Rutherford captures the same focus on Innovation, Technology and Education but in more of a retreat format in one of New Zealand’s most gorgeous conference and
“Insurance and the Blockchain” – is blockchain a solution looking for a problem to solve – or is blockchain actually solving a real problem? Some are not convinced that there is a place for Blockchain functionality within the Fintech and Insurance
Join Craig Lazzara, MD & Global Head of Index Investment Strategy for S&P DJI and Dean Anderson, Founder & CEO of Kernel.
We are thrilled to have Emily Harvey back from the lightning talks to present a workshop using the sf package.
IoT impact is the only Australian IoT conference driven by the industry. IoT Alliance Australia is the peak industry body representing IoT in Australia. Over 450 participating organisations and 850 individual participants are working to accelerate the adoption of
At the 2019 NZ Cyber Security Summit, we will continue to examine the changing cyber landscape and what that means for the modern business ecosystem
PRIVACY. TRUST. TRANSPARENCY. FRAMEWORKS. DIGITAL FUTURES. The inaugural Digital Identity Summit will examine the future trends and outcomes from Digital Identity projects from New Zealand.
The use of automated facial recognition technology (FRT) is becoming commonplace globally and in New Zealand. Our expert panel will give international context to these issues and the implications for New Zealand.
Uncover strategies for success & unlock the skills to succeed in a digital future