Visit Tech Alliance
In 2021 we are bringing back the Annual TUANZ Conference – Tech Users Day - previously know in the early 2000s as Telecommunications Day.!
Please join the Auckland ICT Grad School for our upcoming Speed Networking event with our Masters of Information Technology students.
Join us for a discussion on the new guidance set out in the 2021 Explanatory note to the Identity Verification code of practice. APLYiD have assembled an expert panel to discuss the meaning and efficacy of the additional measures.
NZTech members only for AGM, members and non-members can attend for Debate
Join the Digital Council of Aotearoa in a networking event and sharing session in Auckland.
The New Zealand Korea Tech Roadshow is hosted by 'The Kiwi Chamber', with support from the New Zealand Embassy in Seoul and key organizations such as North Asia CAPE, NZTE and UniServices.
Global investment in InsurTech is booming - attend our August event to hear why.
Game-changing Lessons in Creative Leadership, Harnessing Talent & the Power of Teams
Banks and Financial Institutions are subject to an ever-increasing raft of new regulatory requirements - find out more by registering