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The 16th annual Climate Change & Business Conference, coming up on 9-10 September in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, falls at a critical time for Aotearoa New Zealand as the country determines its next set of emissions reduction budgets and targets.
The AI Forum New Zealand is proud to present a comprehensive agenda at our 2024 Summit.
Join us to ‘Explore how to build a Second Brain’ - and get your masters at the same time.
Together, they will explore trust and AI adoption in Aotearoa through a uniquely human lens, emphasising the impact on our tamariki, rangatahi and emerging talent.
Our AI EXperience Lab is set to be an EXciting and transformative experience for small and medium business owners, perfect for discovering which AI tools and skills that will help you run your business.
Join Felix Scholz and Jason Wood from Triple Ledger for an exciting session about "Cyber, AI, and Risk: Navigating the New Frontier".
This session will explore the use of AI to generate impressive presentations from simple prompts.
On behalf of the Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko, the AI Forum New Zealand’s Māori Advisory Panel for Artificial Intelligence (AI), we would like to invite you and anyone you think would benefit from attending, to participate in a kōrero on Large Language Models
As a change manager mastering AI tools can be a game changer. In this session, our Founder, Frances Valintine we will guide you through the essential steps to train your own GPT to be your change assistant and help you develop at pace a range of key change