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We're bringing the power of Xero to small businesses across NZ between October - December 2019.
ITx Rutherford is a spin-off of ITx, running in the year between the biannual ITx conference. ITx Rutherford captures the same focus on Innovation, Technology and Education but in more of a retreat format in one of New Zealand's most gorgeous conference and adventure cities. ITx Rutherford 2019 is in Nelson, New Zealand in October … Continue reading "ITx Rutherford 2019"
“Insurance and the Blockchain" - is blockchain a solution looking for a problem to solve – or is blockchain actually solving a real problem? Some are not convinced that there is a place for Blockchain functionality within the Fintech and Insurance and Technology sector. Sector discussion has largely been speculative and of a ‘visionary’ nature. … Continue reading "InsurTechNZ Connect – Insurance and the Blockchain"
Join Craig Lazzara, MD & Global Head of Index Investment Strategy for S&P DJI and Dean Anderson, Founder & CEO of Kernel.
We are thrilled to have Emily Harvey back from the lightning talks to present a workshop using the sf package.