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MyMahi supports young people to manage their school life and plan for their next steps beyond the school gates.
“Students use MyMahi to keep track of their grades, find tertiary courses, create CVs, and find part time work. Because the profile belongs to the student it is transportable, allowing for an ongoing continuous build on into the future,” says Jeff King , CEO and co-founder of MyMahi.
In addition, students can connect to a mentor, usually a teacher, who has access to a bank of lessons covering a range of practical topics from financial literacy to work readiness; all the things you wanted to learn at school but didn’t.
At the moment, the MyMahi team’s key focus is around making tertiary enrolment and opening a bank account a much easier process using technology. “We are working with a number of banks and tertiary providers to make this happen.” The goal: remove a number of the barriers and make the process easier and seamless. This also involves working with The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) to make sign-up to RealMe an easier process for young people. “We want to see all young people leave school at least with their RealMe created and a personal bank account.”
Currently, many of the processes young people come across when leaving school are paper based, often clunky, and very frustrating. Technology can make the process easier, allowing young people to get themselves set up within the system so they have access to all the tools they need in their kete to be successful in the next stage of their lives. “It doesn’t need to be as difficult as it currently is,” says Jeff.
A number of organisations and Government agencies are looking to solve these problems, but it takes a cohesive, collaborative approach to make it happen. MyMahi is excited to be working with, and alongside these partners to make it a reality.
MyMahi work with a range of schools across New Zealand, Government agencies like TEC, MoE, MSD, DIA and are growing their team in Australia to boost the MyMahi customer base there.
Want to learn more about what MyMahi have been doing to raise awareness of and reduce the barriers of our young people having financial independence? Check out this May RNZ article and this April Stuff Article.
Love your mahi MyMahi! Ka rawe!