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Our Annual Meeting and changes to our Executive Council
On Wednesday 23 November at our Annual Meeting we welcomed the successful candidates from our election for seven of the 15 seats on our Executive Council. There were 19 candidates this time meaning quite a few enthusiastic people have missed out on seats – thanks so much for your participation and don’t forget, there are other opportunities to lead and contribute to AI Forum work going forward through our planned Working Groups and Advisory Panels.
We would also like to reiterate our deep gratitude to the members who are leaving our Executive Council at this time – your passion and contributions have been immensely helpful in forging the Forum, setting us up for success.
S1 million Internship from Qrious
This month Megan Tapsell, our Chair, sat down for a chat with Stephen Ponsford (Chief Exec) and Evan Wilson (Head of Data Innovation) from Qrious to talk about their $1 million internship fund for Maori, Pasifika and Women aimed at bridging the need for new talent and addressing the need for diversity in technology. Have a listen.
Announcing our Kahui Maori Atamai Iahiko
Megan took the opportunity to announce the formation of our Kāhui Māori Atamai Iahiko : Māori Artificial Intelligence Advisory Panel . The role of the panel will be to advise and support our organisation with ensuring our Te Ao Māori purpose and exploring the impact of AI on Māori people. We would like to welcome our esteemed panel members to the AI Forum community.
Save the date! AI Summit 23 Atamai Tuatahi – Intelligence first
After a 97% approval rating at our AI Summit this year we have been busy planning our 2023 AI Summit. We are pleased to announce it will be at the Hilton in Auckland on 20 and 21 September. We are collaborating with IoT Alliance to bring you an exciting 2 day event.
You can find out more, register your interest in attending or email Nikki if you would like to participate as a sponsor.
This is the last newsletter of 2022. Kia Kaha and Meri Kirihimete whānau!
Ngā mihi mahana
Read more: New Exec Council and a New Advisory Panel | AI Forum News