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During the last month there has been plenty of discussion in the media regarding gene technologies – should our companies and researchers have access to technology the rest of the world currently has access to? Special thanks to Dr Revel Drummond, Plant and Food Research and Dr Alec Foster, Scion for their incredible professionalism and facing challenging views in the media.
Recently, while in discussion with Primary Industries New Zealand and HortNZ I gained the impression farmers, in the broader sense, are interested in how emerging technology can help them. However, they’re not sure how and where to start engaging with tech. The rhetoric appears to be that New Zealand will lose its premium price on the export market, but what is considered premium varies across sectors, and different supply chains.
On all the panels I participated in, I’m very respectful of everyone’s view, but it was interesting how the media reported on the farmers view yet T&G’s CEO Gareth Edgecombe’s views was very compelling why we need this technology. I believe he shared a very strong and sensible view from his growers on the panel.
Meanwhile, AusBiotech and AusBioInvest are coming up at the end of October and we’re keen to know if you’re attending. There are a number of events where it would be great to have a New Zealand presence. Plus remember BioTechNZ members get a discount, so please contact us for the discount code.
Voting is underway for our BioTechNZ Executive Council and closes on Thursday. Learn more here. Plus, remember to register for our online Annual meeting on 18 September, 10:30am.
We can’t wait to reconnect at Aotearoa New Zealand’s 2025 Life Science Summit – Uniting biology and technology to unleash innovation. 18-19 March, 2025 at Tākina Wellington Convention and Exhibition Centre. Click here to pop it in your calendar now.
Bioscience Enterprise Networking event series:
Some say the best beer is one shared with friends. I’d say an even better beer is one shared with the Wellington Biotech community, says Sam Wojcik, one of our BioTechNZ Ambassadors, who is kindly hosting these great networking events. Check out the first one that was last month.
There’s plenty happening in our sector and we extend our thanks to our new members for joining us. To our long serving members, your continued support is driving significant progress for New Zealand’s biotech sector, thank you. Remember to send us your good news so we can share with your fellow members.